Saint Maker Social
Fr David Baunach
Want to make an app to add to the PWA that has a social aspect to it. I've detailed it more in this post:
David Baunach
Wondering if a super simple version could be implemented first: load in files, a viewer, and ability to manage them. The Git aspect could be added later. Not sure if this would make it more work in the long run, or, as I'm hoping, helpfully break the project into more manageable pieces.
I've also been pondering how the log should be composed. I really wanted Markdown to be the answer, or even just TXT. But ultimately I think simple HTML makes the most sense. Just a folder containing a index.html file, can easily be processed by the browser, no need for any further dependencies to render it. It can also easily be hosted as a static site, to make use of the centralized Internet if the author wishes.
David Baunach
2 projects I've found that make it look possible to run git in a pwa: